Is it possible for someone to go from broke financially and earn one million dollars in one year? The answer is absolutely yes. The real question is why some do and others don’t? The purpose of the website is to post stories, ideas, opinions and theories on how to do just that. That includes stories on how others did.
I have my own thoughts on how to do this. The quickest way for people to go from zero to seven in one year is for that person to have already made theirs millions. They may have lost it all but what they possess is the millionaire mindset. It is not possible for a person that has a mindset of mediocrity to earn, not win, a million dollars. Mediocrity does not build focus, drive, vision and work ethic.
There are people that will tell you that you could take everything away from them, dump them in the streets of an unknown city with just the clothes on their body, and with the principles they have learned they could make a million dollars in one year. That is astounding.
Qualities that most millionaires have are leadership. In almost all cases a millionaire makes their money with the help of other people. In most successful business models the utilization of people is necessary. One of the obvious attributes you must possess then is leadership. Is leadership something that you are born with or learn? Fortunately it is something we can learn. So learn it. Leaders are readers of self help books.
I can not stress this enough. If you want to make major changes in your life it is imperative that you work on your leadership skills. Leadership is the single most important skill of the 21st Century. The world economy is in turmoil. Old business systems are becoming extinct. Companies have found ways to conduct business with minimal use of people. Thousands of jobs are not coming back. In the United States it feels more like a depression rather than a recession.
The good news is that we are experiencing the largest economic shift in human history. In 2010 there were 10,000,000 millionaires world-wide. It is expected to more than double by 2020. What can you do to be one of the 20,000,000+ millionaires? Get some skills. Make leadership your biggest priority. Why is this important? Because you need people to lead and help you with your idea or business.
What comes to mind when I hear “there must be more to life than living from paycheck to paycheck” is that we were given wrong information in regards to earning a living. Some people do get lucky getting higher education. After thousands of dollars of debt they do manage to pay that debt back. If they have a ridiculously high paying career they normally do quite well.
I really do believe that folks that do the 4 years of higher education and work for 40 years so that they can retire on 40% of the income they couldn’t live off of in the first place were misinformed. The up side of getting a college degree is that it demonstrates an ability to follow through. Financial success requires energy and follow through.
Most financially successful people use leverage to achieve their financial freedom. They leverage other people so that they have more hours in their day. Everybody has at least 24 hours in their day. Some in business have more hours in their day to generate money. How many people do you think Bill Gates employs? Do the math. If 90,000 employees worked 8 hours a day for you that would be 720,000 hours of work that could be used to generate money. 720,000 hours equals 82.4 years of work that could be accomplished in a single 8 hour period. Regardless of how much you paid your employees, if you earned 25 cents more then you paid out for every hour worked you would generate $180,000 in an eight hour period.
That is an extreme example of leverage but it is real. Leverage is the key.
This is so true a good article to read is a thousand true fans
What kind of business can someone start with, I need ideas and some money to start a business.
What do you like to do? Just do that and figure out how to get people to pay you for it. The idea isn’t what makes the millions. It’s the person.
4th March 2013 – My name is William. I’m 17 years old, and I wish that my parents were both millionaires.
Or that I can become a millionaire… My life is boring and pretty sad, I don’t have many friends and I don’t know people that are able to help me with anything, and most of all I live in a country were you can NeveR become a millionaire by studying. I will need to work forever and even then I won’t be even close to being a millionaire. That’s the most annoying thing that’s on my mind, I study, I go to school but I will never live in a big house or have a nice car. I need to move to USA the land of unlimited possibilities.
Sometimes Luck is all you need to be happy.
Big Will,
You can do it young man don’t be discouraged by anyone or anything .
Read AS Man Thinkith
I’m like 14 and you can consider me one of the poorest kids of the country. My family roughly earns an income of $13.5 K a year. We just live in a rented house which is very far from a town or a city. Even talking about education, I will never get good education. My grades are just a bit more than average and I study all the time. Imagine how it would be to be a millionaire! I don’t even have a computer, the one I am using is a one in my school. Parents (both of them) work day and night. Really, I need luck, that’s the only hope I have. Only one hope, the Jackpot. That’s the thing that can change my life. Even that, I don’t even have money to buy a ticket.
God and prayer is what you need. Jesus Christ died that we be saved. He wants us to be happy. All we need is continuous prayer and believe that he is the son of God. Ask and you shall recieve; seek and ye shall find; knock and the door will be answered.
Mathew 7:
Matt, I live in the US and although most call it the land of opportunity, it is, but it’s all about who you know for the opportunity to arise. I am a single mother of 2, I work full time, and go to school part time and although it pains me to hear your circumstance, it kind of made to content to learn that I am not the only person that is in that kind of situation. I don’t have a lot of friends either and I don’t hardly know anyone that can help me get further faster in life, but by the grace of God I have the gift of extreme perseverance and endurance. Now I’m not going to lie, the fact that I don’t have enough money to get by and the fact that all this hard work I’m doing has not yet paid off and I’m seeing all these people around me that are having opportunities and money (or even just the good life) just handed to them….it pisses me off because 7 times out of 10 they are not putting half as much effort into trying to make a better living as I am, and I feel like I am just being passed by the wayside and it’s a very annoying and depressing feeling, so I COMPLETELY understand. I am going to take further steps and starts reading self-help books on how to increase and build my leadership and follow through skills. I’ve also realized that I need to socialize and network more because that is also the key to success: Not only is it what you know, but it is mainly WHO you know! Best of luck to you and should you ever become a millionaire……remember me! lol
Pam Grout is a good one author and a good place to start. Two of her books are:
E-Squared and E-Cubed. You all know that reality is fluid yes? Your thoughts of abundance that do really make you able to experience abundance. You get what you think. Think lack and that is all you are going to have. It’s this Universal Law we were never taught, and it’s almost too simple.
It’s scary how good it works. I was broke and in debt and in 18 months I had a brand new house and car. You got to see it and you got to ‘feel the love’ or it’s no good. Now it’s on to Ubuntu.
That seems to make the most sense. Check it out. Contributionalist living. Awesome concept. If we try we can get there….we all would only have to work a few hours a week if we wanted and everything would get done.
You need to believe in yourself first! No-one will believe in you if you dont believe in yourself William.. You sound like a good kid & right now your at the very beginning of your life. Obviously no-one has ever told you that you CAN have, & you ARE capable of anything… Your situation may hold you back a few years but there is always light at the end of the tunnel.. All you have to do is focus on it & stay focused & slowly but surely you will get there.. Im not talking months, Im talking years.. But if you push hard & BELIEVE IN YOURSELF then you will start to see things happen & you need to hold onto those positive things as you go, continually encourage yourself & DONT GIVE UP!!
Why does everyone assume lets go to america and get rich quick. Im 21 and have lived here my whole life. I am currently stuck in a dead end job making $8/ hr and getting 20 hours a week. Just because your not in the usa doesnt mean you have less of chance to get rich. Oppurtunity is every where. Go out and find it. To be honest america isnt that great any way. The whole country is built on lies and greed.
Hello everybody here
My name is Mohamed, I’m 25 years programmer from Morocco… one of you said that he’s 14, and that he’s family are making $13,5 K..
Frankly speaking, when I was 14, I lived the worst days of my life, my family was making roughly $1000 a year, I spent my 14 years old days between hunger and starvation, luck of electricity, and months of rental debts.
Now, I’m 25 years, working as a programmer … I was making last year about $600 a month, right now, I’m jobless. And yet, my first dream is to reach a $150,000 … it would be like 1Million Moroccan dirhams, at least it will buy me a house for my parents, and found a personal business.
Then my next milestone is to struggle to make $ 1M, nothing is impossible. Just be optimist, and start your way to make riches.
Good luck Guys
Good advice Mohamed. It is all about persistence and not giving in to a lazy attitude. I might now have a million dollars but I live a very comfortable and peaceful life. I’m the oldest one of seven brothers and sisters and I also grew up in a one bedroom shack in the middle of nowhere. I slept in the kitchen and wore the same cloths over and over because I only had one pair of jeans and three shirts. I thought that was all there was in life for me until I one day just for fun at the age of 15 I walked into a model home in a new subdivision. When I went inside that house and saw how beautiful and big and clean it was i decided then and there that I would one day own one. I always wanted to be a school teacher but I decided I would study finance. If I wanted to make money I first had to learn about it. I bought my fist house at the age of 23 and to date I own four houses. I’m the daughter of a construction worker who had no money to send me to collage so I worked to pay for my classes and I now can say that with a little some inspiration and lots of persistence we can accomplish anything. P.S Never forget to give thanks to the havens for everything we have.
You need to travel more. Asia is a good place to go to realize that you can not rise above the poverty line no matter what. Some countries there have a GDP that is less than the fortune of just one of America’s billionaires, so those citizens try to migrate to other lands of “opportunity”.
Even Europe has countries that do not enjoy the level of comfort and possibilities Americans do. You have a “fertile” environment in America to grow into anything you want to become. You just need to know about your options. The poor nations just do not have our options, that is why so many people come here and many do become wealthy.
Too many Americans wonder how “immigrants” always come here and do so well. The answer is simple, they “want it” with all their heart, soul, body and mind and not only are willing to work endless hours, but look for the types of business to make them rich. They grew up “hungry”… Americans do not. Most Americans have always known security, comfort and family love where many immigrants never did.
It is that “hunger” that makes them successful. Plus the simple facts that they do not play by the “rules”, they are fearless and they are ignorant of the fact that some things can not be done.
America is one of the worst countries in the world. They are only number one in two categories.
ratio of incarcerated citizens per capita
$$ spent on military.
so you may die of a heart attack cause you are only an average worker and cant afford to 100k to save yourself but at least you can count on your army and president to start wars to boost your economy
Americans are idiots to think they are free
I really hope you have miss something about this article. First of all I am personally not a millionaire. But here in I like to emphasize. Making a million has nothing to do with the country but something to do with your mind set. Find yourself the book by Napoleon Hill, Think and grow rich and read it. I hope you will find a secret and Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, hope you will get challenged and grow financial.
Hello William, my name is Chad Rhodes. I’m a U.S. Marine, and a disabled vet.. I to want to make enough money to not have to worry about not having it ever again. I’m trying to get enough people together in order to come up with some way to make a lot of money so we ( the group) can live out our lives Financially stress free. What I bring to the table are my leadership abilities and a little bit of money, but I have a backer who will loan me the money to get the idea off the ground, interest free, whatever the idea May be. The only thing is that the idea must have a high percentage rate of being successful. This is not me offering you a guaranteed seat at the table. But if it sounds like something you might be interested in being a part of let me know. Just send me a friend request so that I can get a chance to know you a little better and you Will be able to get to know me a little better. If your not interested then I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors.
I’m now 28 have two kids and just going through life. I tried to make it big and failed. I started to live on my own really young because my dad died when I was 16 and my mom left when I was two. Even when I was 16 working I didn’t care about money, and I still don’t care about money, I could care less if I was a millionaire. But at the same time I wish I was so I could live my life with my kids instead of working two jobs. I have been working 2 jobs since i was 18. I have friends but no life. I’m finally tired. Someone out there HELP me.
Just start small, use what Jessica said above. Start leveraging what you do have to make more. Money isn’t this all great and powerful thing. It’s a tool made out of paper. Use the tool in the proper way and it’ll bring the results you want. Experience is key and the only way to get that is to fail and keep going.
Hold on man ! Breathe and stay calm.
Take your kids on long walks in the outdoors, and write every day in a small book.
Eventually, even if it takes sacrifice, leave one of the two jobs.
Do it ! Come on !
Sébastien from France
* Have a sip of good red or rosé wine once in a while.
Sebastian, what a sweet positive comment. I still have faith in humanity when I see comments like these. P.s. Totally agree with the wine advice a nice French Bordeaux can make things look a whole lot better.
Cody, it is not where and how you starts out in life that matters. The key question to answer in life is how ready are you for what you expect to happen. You are very capable; just build your capacity and u will see life respond favourably. God loves you and so do I. Best deals ever!
I don’t know much about business, But I do know about the snow ball method. Start out with maybe $100.00. Save if you have to in order to get that much money. Start a buying and selling business after you get about 5k. Then start buying things that are more expensive like used cars at a good price. When you are successful in that then get into Real Estate and any other kind of business that can make you big money. Never have tried it so we will see if it works. Wish me luck!
– Mr. Ward
interesting proposals to make millionaires…
I aint one but in 10 years will be 61. Been a school teacher now for 17 years and started with zilch in the bank when this career started and now have a house and quarter million in super plus a small investment amount. Nope, I am not rich but I am single so can save what I dont spend and I invest the rest with a good financial planner. Sure, would love to be a millionaire and with all my numbers I am technically half way there right now.
My point? Work hard, be honest, save wisely and spend wisely, get good advice and dont be stupid with what you already have. OR…Win the lotto!
Sure, a good business idea helps but remember…you need regular clients or a bucket of luck!
Presently I working & jumping from company to company but I still don’t see my money & saving is still zero. Credit card bills need to settle every month. Just like work to pay, I really wanted to get out from here to make more money in my life. Someone out there could help me… How to start & where to start… Help!!!
My parents are going broke and I want to help them. Is there any possible and simple way to earn a million dollars? A million dollars would be enough to last us until I graduate from university and dental school. Please help!
Want to make millions? Well, the odds of you making a million dollars are about 1 in 190 which isn’t really that bad but, you will have to go around and beat 189 people in a great position good luck…
Everyone should pay attention to what you wrote. To all here who keep screaming out for help, or an idea, or luck, read what Chris wrote and know this: I am one of those 189 people that you’ll have to beat, and I’m willing to fight longer and harder than you are. Want to have a better life? Fight me for it. If you’re fighting and still not where you want to be, then fight harder. I don’t care if you need to sleep to function. I don’t care if you need to eat to function. I can skip meals, and I can skip sleeping, and I’ll do it to reach my goals. Reality doesn’t care if you made bad choices, or wasted your youth, or were born into shitty circumstances. You want to win? Fight for it. Fight for it until your eyes hurt, and your fingers hurt, and your brain is on fire.
Stop spending your money on things you don’t need. Learn to cut your own hair. Learn to cook your own food. Have kids? The only “fun” money you spend should be for them. You’re an adult now; you had your chance. Your only job now is to work until your fingers bleed so that your children can have a better life.
Hi Reality
I admired and so thankful for your very inspiring comments.
YES! Thank you. I understand the feeling of grasping for straws that those people who ask for help. I used to feel the same (past tense.) I must add, asking is a passive behaviour. Searching for the answer is an active endeavor. Don’t ask me how to make a million. I’ll just tell you a sappy feel good story so you will go away and leave me alone to make more millions unaccosted. So I’ll only say this once, ask yourself those questions. Then GO OUT AND SEARCH for the answers.
Help is synonymous to handout. And every millionaire knows a handout is the fastest way to return to poverty.
So stop passively asking me for handouts, and start educating yourself.
Some topics to start with:
– financial strategy
– behaviour psychology
– research (literally study how to research and experiment effectively)
– time management
– organization
– communication and diplomacy
and of course the three topics previously answered,
– Leadership
– delegation
– leverage
This is not an exhaustive list, so keep searching for new pockets of knowledge to master.
The word library, liberty, and book all come from the Latin word “libre”. Which is the word for a chest where books and scrolls are kept. The phrase “to keep in the dark” literally means to to keep knowledge locked away in the dark chest where no one can read it. That how slaves were kept in the old days, by keeping them illiterate, ignorant, and asking for help. It WAS and IS the most effective form of labor management. Now take another look at those three words again. Library, LIBERTY and book.
Get the point….?
My cousin asked me how I made my millions in 2011. I sent her my entire library. Because it would have taken me months to explain myself. Could fill pickup truck with all the books. She sold them all except for my LOTR series and hasn’t spoken to me since. Apparently she was offended by that gesture. That LOTR series and my Adams book Maia, are the only books in my library I can say did NOT contribute to my wealth. Too bad
My ex wife made me a millionaire.
I had around 2.5 million prior to the divorce
and 1 million the year after.
My interpretation of this “wishing” mindset is that the problem associated with it is that we are taught to make a wish and magically it may come true. We however are not taught to create a dream and drive it with passion and commitment . If you are passionate about something then you will never quit. I believe that most people leaving comments do have thd ability to live their dream life but you MUST take the right steps and stck to the laws of success.
I am slowly coming out of crippling debt through hard work hour by hour. This is thd only way I have known but it is NOT my mindset any longer. I will be living my dream life within two years. This is my goal this is my passion and this Is my commitment .
I am living Bangladesh, i want to earn millions dollar, i am not more educated, i have some money about 1k dollar, please know me some idea how possible?
Anwar, hello there.
We live in a world that is full of opportunities, but we use the low percent of the mind to do things. To catch an opportunity from its hair etc, doesn’t help us… First of all be realistic of WHAT YOU REALLY WANT! Be realistic of when you want it and then create a plan on paper to help you reach your goals. Be in a good mood always. Stop thinking about “How am I Gonna PAY this, I have no money”. The only result of these considerations is that you confirm to yourself your problem. Nothing has changed right?
I’m not a Millionaire yet. I started with a Company with a Big Dream and very good earnings. I have a way for you to be a Millionaire. If you need more information about this reply back.
Sorry for my Bad English =(
Best Regards
I have a lot of problems and complaints about my life but I know this will not change my reality. I’m requesting that you guide me to the true path.
Its ironic when people say that they need help or they have no way to make it happen.
That is the reason why you will never ever be a millionare!!!!!!!!!!!
Many of us miss the point & broader picture of becoming &/or being a millionaire. It really is a lifestyle & attitude. If you have poor thoughts, habits & attitudes there’s a good chance that you will be poor. I guess what I’m saying is that it starts inside, in the heart & mind. I’m not there “YET”… # wise, but my confidence of becoming a millionaire & my optimistic look at life everyday makes me feel very wealthy everyday. Anybody can become a millionaire & more & more of us are becoming millionaires everyday. Good Luck Guys
& stay in + spirits.
I am not wealthy by any means and have decided that the time is now, and beginning from where you are is the first step. Don’t make excuses, those will hold you back. Read two books first, “Think and Grow Rich” and “The Magic of Thinking Big” to develop the Millionaires Mindset as mentioned above. Now think for a minute….what do you know or do extremely well? Are others selling or trading this information for money? Why not you. Information is the easiest because your inventory is in your head! A piece of paper or booklet or on a word document maybe you create. In the USA there are over 300 million in population. Multiply that times only .2% and you then earn maybe $3 from each of those via a piece of information you sell on the World Wide Web using Paypal as you medium of payment = $1,800,000!
Now imagine only half of that as profit. $900,000! Will this change your lifestyle a bit? Help you pay off your debt? Put a child through college? Take a vacation or fund your retirement or give you seed capital to start yet another business? Remember the “Pet Rock?” Within 90 days the creator made over $750,000!!!! Com’on folks! Really? What about that crazy “Chia Pet plant”. Still around isn’t it, and we laugh but the creator is laughing all the way to the bank….still. Quit quitting on your ideas and step up to the plate and put it into action. Action gets results, not complaining of making excuses. I started a website that I told a friend to do a year ago and he is now just taking the action to promote his. He has started it a year ago folks!!! He is selling information at a wonderful pricepoint and imagine a year ago had he took action where he might be. I just started mines last week, June 20th, 2012, let me report where I am 3 months from now and then a year from now and let’s see. Be creative and then put some action to it. What are you going to do??????
I am starting a Financial Services Company and I see myself getting more than a Million within the next 5 Years. For you guys here are some tips:
1 – Dream Big
2 – Decide how much $$$ you want it
3 – Decide the time frame (be realistic)
4 – Work it beck-words (if you want a Million in 5 years, it comes down to 200K pa and 50K per quarter, 4k per week and 580 per day.
5 – Now look at the options available to you Job, business, and the services you can provide
6 – Do something you Love and good at – Money will follow
7 – Lean additional skills that will help you earn more
8 – monitor your progress
9 – adjust your plan (stop whats not working and do more, that is working)
10 – make sure you do more than 2 things every day that will get you close to your goal before you go to bed
All the best!
Excellent advice my friend!
i am from india ,i am of19 years i completed my 12 standard ,my lover is going to do medicine in america but i dint have that much money to go study with her,i feel bad that why i dint born in an millionare family so that i can go study with her,
Like seriously it is too hard to become a millionaire , life has become too expensive these days. With a week in week out living routine forget it this is how the system is set out so we keep working for longer years. This is not life this modern day slavery, it is the way they want us to live.
Vision is never enough. The more I look around the more I am becoming aware that making money has less to do with you and more to do with people.
I am considering taking my focus away from how I can make money and onto how I can make others money.
Having a company like McDonald’s whose revenues boast absurd figures can do so through the power of marketing and an incredibly large workforce. Most of us think this is how business works, and on some level it is true.
But the more I think about how big business works the more I see how it does not apply to small business.
Challenge yourself to think about your employees as you might have wanted to be treated. How can you make them profitable for themselves with enough left over to provide for you– while growing your customer base and scaling your work force and profit.
You can no more create a product and hope it generates business than you can just hire someone and hope they make you money.
The article here presented puts a focus on leadership. Too often I have seen people willing to lead without first understanding who follows them. The lessons in both leverage and fairness cannot be earned from a throne. They are earned by learning about desire. Drugs, prostitution and banking all share the biggest motivators in people’s lives. They are: pleasure, love and security. Most of us see these in the darkest of ways and fir good reason- everything about them is ugly but they never run out of customers. I think business starts where honesty begins, the good and bad in people.
Work on being, with whom you are, you will have.
T.L Osborne
It all begins with you changing you. With information.
Then you look for a human need and reachout to meet that need.
I could never be a millionaire. its a dream.
you are wrong piyush
You know what!?, Thank you to all the people here who says Yes it is possible, follow your dreams, dream big and get other people to help “employs” “investors ” whoever and take it day by day. The one thing I am afraid of is the future and what could happen, but all of you have just helped me look past all that and now I can say I’M ON MY WAY TO BECOMING A MILLIONAIRE!!!! Thank you all for the advice!!!!
i think of making millions everyday which will enable me to assist numerous family and friends. so far i am batting .000! never give up and never give in
It was a wonderful article. Really made me think . I’m gonna go sell my laptop tomorrow , and start a micro level business i have thought of . Someday it’ll be millions. The point is, i now want to start doing something , instead of thinking about it and doing nothing . So thanks .
I think we can all help eachother become millionares, and im confident that one day I will become a Millionaire.
I made 100K in one year just by selling my ideas online, my goal is biggrr now.
But you cant do it alone, you need many many people.
The only thing that I wish to have is one million dollars in a year. The thing is I dont know how to make that. Im still at university doing my bsc but I cant wait for ever to finish degree and go hunt for the job again. I want possible things.
im 20, and i earn 63.8k a year… i have saved and i am eager to invest but i dont know in what, id like to know some advice about how and in what to invest. Im tired of working for others instead of working for myself, i just would like to have financial freedom.
Dream, think, plan and act!
That’s it… If your thoughts are not acted out, you’ll never move an inch.
If all of you (myself included) gave 10 dollars each to me… I’ll be close to making my first million… Lol
Maybe we can then send the dollars back to each other over time. How’s that?
Nice article.
There are some things all you Wanna Have a Million guys should know.
1. If your life now is boring , your life will not suddenly become a great adventure if you have that money.
2. Life is one big race. If you have “No idea how to get it”…guess what. You will lose the race.
3. Each and every animal knows that he needs to fulfill his needs: Shelter, Food, Sex, Survival. And each of these can be achieved by hard work and a bit of luck. Because at the end of every day: A lion is only invinsible until the hunter decides to shoot it.
Same goes for mankind. We have other “Hunters” that will keep you away from our dreams. Yet the biggest mistake you can make is to sit and think. Dont think too much, get out there and create motion!
I am going to be a millionaire one day I just know it. I may not be in the land of opportunities but I have ideas, education, personality, and connections. This is the mentality you people need to have to make it. Telling us your sad life story only shows how hopeless your lives really are.
You can not be millioner in your life if you beg for help. You are not different than a street beggar if you beg for help.
Believe in hardwork, have a patience for years over years, work day and night literally day and night, run behind your dreams and if you enjoying doing this ….sure you will millionaire, otherwise go on on street and beg and some other day someone will give a million dollars
Stop wasting your time and start working on your dreams.
Not enough can be said about the power of networking, not only can you learn a tremendous amount of knowledge by simply asking someone successful about there triumphs and tragedies but you literally are who you hang around with, that should be your motivating force for wanting to find successful friends. Someone once told me “why do you look for successful people and then court there friendship…?” like this was a bad thing, because I wanted to be successful like they were!
In my twenties I hung around with a group of guys who were only concerned with getting “laid,” for us, myself included, we didn’t care about having nice things we only wanted to look the part in order to have one night stands, right down to fake Breitling watches, what a bunch of losers. I found myself 24 years old, broke, no college education, living in a house with three other guys, and working at Polo Ralph Lauren, for the discount of course, I made roughly 12,500 a year true story.
I decided I wanted to meet new successful friends, while folding clothes at Polo I noticed a young guy in a suite and I noticed he drove up in a BMW he looked about my age, I began a conversation with him and found out he worked as a bail bondsman, which sounded a hell of a lot better then folding clothes at the time, I asked him if I could meet him for a drink sometime because I had always been interested in that profession, truth is I didn’t even know what the hell the job entailed, I only knew that you might be able to afford a suit and BMW. I met him a week later bought him several drinks called a few girls I knew who “just so happened” to meet us out and found out he was the manager of the Bail company and I had a new job as a bail bondsman the next day. my life has played out in these instances ever since only because I pursue meeting new people, genuinely make it a point to become interested in what they’re interests are and benefit from the relationship.
A quick recap since age 24, I am now married with a daughter and am 31, from Bail Bondsman found out from my aunt who was a Purchasing Manager at a Hospital that Medical Device Reps made good money, had her introduce me to an older guy who was a Regional Manager I asked him if I could shadow him for a few days with no compensation only because I had always admired Medical Reps because of there expertise “I didn’t know what they did, ” he agreed I kept in touch and when a position opened up I was now a Medical Sales rep and made around 50k with no college education, only 4% in Med have no degree, I was 26. I continued to meet new people and my circle became smaller but everyone was doing something with there lives, through a cascading unfortunate series of events I left Med Sales for a short while, but continued to study Biology on my own after finding it fascinating from working in Device Sales. I finally relentlessly pursued a position with one of the major players in Medical Device, Stryker, for a year straight I emailed, interviewed, networked with anyone I could find who had a connection to this company and started a position with Stryker I made 80k that year I was 29. Real quick, at 30 I met a very interesting individual who had been in the Med Sales scene for over ten years I quickly found things we had in common and we became friends for almost a year I never asked him how he made so much money but I could tell by the way he carried himself he had, he eventually let me in on diversifying and how to work with different companies who paid larger commissions and since I had built relationships now with many Surgeons I took his advice, I made 160k at 30. Now 31 Im on track to make 300k this year, im not bragging I only hope that this inspires someone who didn’t have enough money for college, like myself, who may have grown up in a ghetto, like myself, where your words were all you had and you had to talk your way into and through every situation. I haven’t made a million yet but I can assure you I will very soon my friends. Keep pushing you are who you say you are and you are a champion now hang around with others of the same mind set so you can benefit from each other.
Hey all,
A lot of what I have read throughout the comments are people trying to find a way to get rich quick, the first thing you need to work on is you. It’s the same theory as weight loss, If you don’t see yourself as skinnier and have the dream of losing weight you will never get there. You need to believe in yourself and your abilities and have pure confidence in who you are, self help books are the perfect for this because they teach you how to condition your mind to focusing on where you want to be and how you will get there.
Your the key to success there’s no point in saying I work twice as hard as the next guy and don’t get anywhere unless you find out what that person is doing to get there, use them as a mentor to help direct you on your path to financial freedom. Don’t fall for traps with company’s like mlms that promise long term results, be your own entrepreneur and make your millions.
Setting goals is one of the most important step but the most important is taking action, if you want to improve on yourself write down in a journal my goal is:, write why your doing it and who it will effect. To make it more real and personal.
For example:
My goal: work on my confidence within myself
How?: read this book this book an this book, go out and meet people.
Who?: I will reach this goal for my parents or kids to give them a better life.
Put this on your screen saver on your phone or somewhere that you look everyday multiple times and make it real.
The biggest step in all this is to TAKE ACTION. Don’t give up at the first sign of a problem, fix it and move on.
I’m in Australia and I’m 23 years old. I left school in year 10 and became a diesel mechanic, after completing my apprenticeship I was in a motorcycle accident that stopped me from working.
I went to a call centre where in 1 year I was promoted 4 times and now lead a team of 130 staff, many might not see this as much but 1 year 2 months ago I thought I could never result to anything now I’m currently making more money then a lot of people and also on my way to opening my own company purely because I knew that I can do this and believed in my ability.
Goodluck with your journeys I wish you all the best and just remember no matter where you are there’s opportunities.
And a quick tip, there are many ways to get information if you can’t afford it look for it elsewhere.
After reading all these great ideas , they all seem so familiar.
We all talk about leadershp, hard work,
knowing theres more we can do but dont………the question is how do we use all these ideas to create something ourselves!
We all share the same ideas why not invest in that?
think about it… lets use our ideas for profitable gain ! …….. and not just another post on some dieting webpage!?
There is plenty of thing you can get million dollar or even close. It’s simple. The first key you have to do is ENJOY YOUR LIFE as it is. Try not to thing what, how, when. Always happy and think positive. It really work for me. These are the steps:
1) Make sure you have a suitable life and work that you like. Of course make sure your salary is above $40,000 at least (around $50,000 will help normal financial life). Again make sure the job didn’t give you so much stress. This is the one of the first key. After tax maybe around $45,000.
2) Try to think what you want to do apart of job salary you have. Something like hobby. Something it will not be around the market before. Example if you do science, it will give you great help. Because I do myself have Science background. Look for military or government projects. Again apart of your daily jobs. Because It really happen to me this past few years. I got $500,000 from government project from the funding. It’s not close to million, but effective for first few steps. This is already tax.
3) Buy house and don’t rent. Because investment is also part of thing you can get close enough to million dollar. Let say if you buy $300,00 house, in the next few years it will increase up to $800,00 to $900,000. Sell it after meet the satisfactory price. If you get $900,000 then you earn $500,000. After tax, let say $450,000.
4) Again, enjoy your life but be smart. Do go to Casino. I know this steps is a bit silly, but it will help you get the some decent money. Of course it’s luck. If you study Science, you will know all strategy and method and even tricks. But again limit your money, play for fun, and just put it as extra fun money. I won $200,000 jackpot when I played in Casino. (just tips: do not play on table. Just play on Pokies). Again it can’t guarantee to get, but think positive and for fun only. No tax for this money.
5) Do join some business but in other countries. I joined venture open some chips snack factory in Asia. Only 20% as a shareholder and owner. But I got around $100,000 every year. This is already been tax.
SO CONCLUSION: in the first year I already earn $1,295,000. I officially become millionaire easily. I know that the regular money I got yearly probably I only earn from normal salary plus the business around money around $145,000. But I already safe 1 million for the first year. Who knows what come out in the future.
So yeah, hope this tips will help you out how to get million dollar. Again be happy, enjoy your life, think positive, are the keys of all this.
Certainly agreed with your example and the positive advices. Coincidentally, my experiences is very similar with your suggestion. I do my self as well study in Science background and also working in pharmaceutical company. Regarding to the jobs, my salary to be honest is normal as it be. My salary earning is $65K a year. And I do only get $60K after the tax. I also have other hobby which I make it as a secondary salary. Luckily enough due to the Science project that I did a couple of years back in University, I got called from my old lecturer that 1 of the big chemical industry are really interested with the project I did. And…..voila….!!!!!! They bought my school project for $300K. For me, it’s an instant pay off which I don’t think I can get from normal job. Talking about the investment, I bought 1 of property for $300K. I paid installment from my salary and it’s finished my mortgage. Now I put in auction and I successfully sold for $700K. For that I earned $400K. Probably I didn’t get million dollar like you, but I do get income as nearly as 1 million dollar after a couple of years. My suggestion for people, don’t give up hope and if you do, I am sure you can get success as I am.
Good afternoon everyone.
I started off as one of those people who had no hope and saw no bright future in my Life. My mother worked literally day and night baby nursing trying to provide for my three brothers, my sister and I. I did well in school but I saw no point after a while because I thought I had no chance of getting into college.
Of course I was wrong to think on such way but at the time I had limited self. Now I know that all things are possible. I wouldn’t get into much detail about my situation but after I read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne my whole mind set changed. Now I got a great job, paying to go to college and working on starting my own business.
All this change came about with gaining knowledge. If you want out of any situation you have to know how to. Educate your self! I continued readingmore books after The Secret and it is really changing my Life. There are so many ways for you get your millions. You just had to open you mind.
Life has endless possibilities no matter who or where your from. Remember that.
I am 19 years old by the way. Feel free to email me. I always Love helping people see the potential they have.
You are the creater of your life!!!
I am 31 years old, and became a millionaire at the age of 26. Neither of my parents were wealthy, nor was my family in any way shape or form. However, through finding what it was I loved to do with my time, I grew that into a business. Now I own the largest firm in my industry in the state where I reside, and I currently employ just under 375 persons. It isn’t hard folks, get off your butt and do something…..
many things are easier said then done. Making a million is not a joke. One has to be very wise,discipline,organize. It takes a man with courage,determination to achieve seven digit figure. Yet it is difficult, but not impossible. Follow this formula. 1000*1000=1m . 100*100*100=1m . 100*10000=1m. Gudluck.
I have started my own online business because I want to become a millionaire.
I am tired of not having money to help others in need. I want to give more money and time to local, community organizations; I want to start my own charity. I don’t know if I can go from zero to seven figures in a single year but I believe I will get there eventually.
For anyone else who is interested in building wealth, I highly recommend the book “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson.
You can do it! Believe in yourself!
The first thing you need to do is read as much as you can about famous people and read self-help books on staying motivated.
It is near impossible if you work for someone to become a millionaire. You need to do it yourself.
Two years ago, I said I’d never work for anyone again and I haven’t. I slowly transitioned, over the course of 6 months to my freelance job. I signed up on eLance to do start my own company as a freelance contractor. I make more money than I ever had in my life. I command $20-30 per hour. I work when I want. If I want to take on 60-80 hours a week, I do. I’ve paid off all of my bills except my student loans. I’ve saved 20% of all I’ve made in the past 2 years. Education is great, but I’m using my street sense and intuition here. My school education was fun, but that’s it. Fun.
I love fine, artisan chocolate. While I’ve been working my freelance jobs, I’ve been slowly building an e-commerce chocolate site. By the end of June, it will be the largest online or brick and mortar store in the world selling artisan chocolate. By the end of 2015, I want to be the Amazon. com of the chocolate world.
My next step? The 20% savings is going to start going into investment and flip properties now that the chocolate business can take care of itself. After that, I want to open some upscale, small boutique hotels.
Make your money in what you love and what interest you. The money will come.
Do it yourself. Write down a plan and spend every single day working towards it. It’s possible. It’s hard and I have problems with depression, but it’s completely possible.
So what are your gifts? Your likes? Your dreams?
You can have $1,000,000 in the bank in 3-7 years.
Most people become millionaires with business ownership, this was my route and this is the route I recommend. You do not need to invent something new; you can start a tried and true business. Do your research, make a good business plan. With a good business plan the money you need will be available. Also seek advice and help early with the SBDC or SCORE for everyone, also the WBC for women, and also the OVBD for veterans. These are all SBA sponsored and are free to help you start and grow your business. All of the organizations also offer short business courses, either free or very cheap-take them and get as prepared as you can.
I tell my story in my book to be out this summer, One Million in the Bank. I had nothing, bankrupt, foreclosed on, yet I started a business even with my horrible credit and by raising $195,000 from private investors for a small piece of my business. In four years I had my first million dollars in bank that was about 20 years ago.
You will never save your way to being rich unless you make significant income. Anyone can become a millionaire, it is not magic or a secret formula. It is knowing you can do it, getting the free advice available, take the free courses to prepare yourself, do your research on a plain old business (no great new invention) that preferably you have experience in, do your research, do your business plan, get your money, go into business, scale it up as much as you can-then sell it or let it just keep making you money. I do not mean to make it sound easy, but if you really want it you can do it.
Hmmm, A millionaire? Well, it has been said many times that it is about mind set and being open to the opportunities around you and to be aware and looking so that you find what you seek, even if you didn’t know about that prior to finding. Living a life in the present and remaining focused upon what it is you want as if you already had it. And on and on.
Baloney. I have read and read and watched much of the material out there on this subject. I have meditated and practiced and made my vision boards, and repeated my mantras and meditated and became aware of my thinking and how it affects what I attract and so forth. I tried and tried several business ideas and put great efforts into them. Only, nothing worked as it was said. I still practice “correct thinking” so to speak (except right now, of course, cuz right now I am feeling so low I wonder why even try). I am so tired. I wasted the last 14 years chasing dreams and lost all that I had accumulated in my years of high tech mfg management. Now of course, even if there were any real manufacturing industry left here, I couldn’t get a job if I tried (I really tried over ten years ago when my last company sold out and broke up, selling it off to everywhere but near me. I actually had an HR manager say to me in an interview ,” we are probably the two oldest people in the building, if you were to get this position how do you think you could deal with this?” Yes, not even a legal question, maybe I should have sued, but I was not going to focus on this and was not going to say that I could not get a job. I always had high marks on my performance and held in great regard by my superiors and by my coworkers and subordinates.
When I could not find a job I looked for other ways to generate income and then got highly involved with self help books and even spiritual ways of living life to the fullest. But as I said, its all almost over now. I am 65 years old and though I don’t feel this should be an excuse or a hurdle, it feels this way at the moment. Sorry for my ramblings. I just hate the world, especially the politicians and the people behind them for all the greed and stacking of the deck that is creating a cast system for us all to live in; a very few “haves” and a whole bunch of “have-nots”. The system here in the good ol USA is now so rigged it feels there is no way out. Yes Yes, some will still do really well and some will even win the lotto, but for the majority of us, its just too bad, since it seems the only way out is to have a revolution and change the world another way, Of course I will be dead before that happens and even if it does happen the winners will be those that have the resources to overcome the insurrection. We’ve all seen this in the sci fi movies with the Haves living above and the HaveNots barely surviving down below. Much of sci fi things do come true. (think Star Trek and all the devices they used, that we use today for real).
I will still let these feelings go and feel better soon, and once again, “be” healthy, wealthy and happy! But sometimes, like today (tho rare) I get these low feelings and I just say F*** it. I am to the point that I only do and think about “being” healthy, wealthy and happy, but I am now so out of the loop and so lonely. I am married to a wonderful woman that is the most positive person in the world. I don’t know how or why she puts up with me, especially when I get down, way down, but I, for the most part, treat her with respect and love. But here is the “but” again (yes, I know, no “buts allowed!”) BUT, I am so depressed now that I cannot do anything. I have not done anything but sit, or play my guitar or ride my Harley (getting even more rare) and watch tv ~ mindless, thoughts meandering ~ always making an easy effort due to habit, to think “right” bright thoughts ~ BUT as I said, sometimes and maybe more frequently now after so long without results I am getting lower and more fatalistic.
Funny, when my mom passed I was kind ofa counting on getting some money/inheritance, but she changed her will and my sister got it all for taking care of her in the last 15 years. As it turns out though, my sister ended up taking really good care of mom, but spent all moms money by time mom passed. So, there was no money to inherit anymore anyway. Well, now my mother-in-law passed away a few years ago and my wife’s sister was taking care of her as well. Arrangements were made and my sister in law and her family got to live in my mother in law’s house for a couple more years until her kids were done with school. Well, that was okay with me, but that time came and went and now they too are a bit down on their luck, with bad health and all. And my wife (executor of the estate), will not kick them out and I understand, because as my wife put it; “mom would never kick them out in there circumstances. Well, that would be fine and dandy and I empathize, but since the brothers all got there part before the parents passed and the sister (and her fam) have been living rent free in the estates house (technically, they are paying rent in the form or reduced inheritance when or if the estate ever sells. So, we would get the majority of the inheritance, but I will be dead before that ever happens. They have no incentive to move and no one will tell them to. I feel bad for them in the sense that I too would not want anything bad to happen to them either. So, there they stay and all that money, probably between $350,000 and $600,000 will never see its way to us. I know some of you that bothered to read this far will be saying “oh, you are very lucky to have this and you will get it one day.” Well, I beg to differ. My mother in law passed about 9 years ago and both my sister in law and brother in law have health issues now and they have one income to live on, but it is not enough and of course they have no real incentive to get going anytime soon. I love them all, even my sister, but it still pisses me off. But I am a good guy and do not want nor do hold any grudges. I know it may sound like I do, but that’s because this is how I am feeling right now.
I have a much better shot of opting out then finding a million or more dollars. Yeah, I say this,, but it wont happen ~ the opting out I mean. Well, maybe not, And how long can I be holding all the positive thoughts and keeping my self engaged in high spiritual zones of plenty Ha ha.
Well, I have to get out of all this negativity now and go to the market so I can feed my family some tacos tonight and laugh and be happy about life for a few minutes. Then, maybe I will just choose to opt out with the meds for my bad back and bad shoulder (no surgical options there) and hey throw in the other meds for the depression, anxiety and do it all with a few beers. Hey, it might be a really fun way to go. Then someone can write a terribly tragic story, my story (stupidly feeling bad for my self now) so that they can make a million dollars or more and get out of this lower “cast” we now live in.
So, please religious people, please don’t tell me about God, you will be wasting your time. Of course I will still buy lotto tickets while I can. Might as well gamble the rest of my money (social security since 62, so yeah, really loaded at 65) since I did so well over the last few years of not just loosing all my money on bad investments (me), but creating more debt than I can pay back. This is so much fun, telling a bunch of people just how bad I feel and that how my dreams of being a millionaire of more precisely, a multi-millionaire are in the toilet. This is the first time I have wrote such bad stuff down. It doesn’t help either.
I should erase it, not post and move on, but I am not. I suspect I will now go to the store and get what we need for supper and do the only other thing I have done today, which will be fix dinner and play the big I am happy game with the family.
So, again, sorry you had to read all of this, if you did, lol. But there still is a part of me hoping that someone will respond with something that is useful for me to get back to a good place so that I can create a better life ~ sounds kind of very far fetched now eh? Good luck to you all. I hope the sci fi predictions I have made do not happen, though looking mostly at what the republicans are doing to this country and those that blindly follow them, because of their church or where they live or whatever, well, I hope it gets better for you all. (I do laugh sometimes when I see those that are living off of government help of some kind but align themselves with Republican agendas ~ it blows me away that they cannot see the irony of this ~ I can laugh sometimes even when feeling low ~ because the source of all this just floods my mind with thoughts of how so many of the middle class are so unaware and back up those that seek to take it all from them. Geez. I don’t know.
Just one more thing. Can anyone tell me anything to make me feel better?
To: Joseph Campbell – Its been about 7 months since your post. I hope your situation has changed for the better. If it hasn’t or regrettably it has gotten worse, don’t give up.
Having a million dollars may solve some problems for some people but it doesn’t fix the core of who you are and your “happiness” or “satisfaction” you get from life. (Look at past lottery winners, many of whom end up bankrupt after just a few years.) While I’m not sure I can “tell” you anything to make you feel better, because depression is very complicated and personal, I know, I’ve been there. What I can say is this: “Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, I wish it were. It would be awesome to help someone go from the depths of depression and despair to achieve a life where every day he or she would wake up, happy and energetic. In my humble opinion, the key to happiness in life is to take stock and focus on that which is positive in your life, even if it is only one person, one animal, one place…just one thing…that makes you happy. Cherish that one thing (more things if you are lucky) and then try to add one more, person, animal, place…thing. A guy I know, used to say – “as you go thru life, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the doughnut and not upon the hole” ! For what it is worth, from your post, you seem to have a few good things going for you. I wish you all the best. Whether or not you have a million dollars, if you have found happiness within yourself…you are a wealthy man.
A lot of interesting thoughts on becoming a millionaire.
However in lieu of great leadership skills or ground breaking business ideas, I will offer my own simple advice.
-Work Hard.
-Be Frugal.
-Save your money.
-Invest it and compounding will deliver your million dollars to you.
Saving money is exactly like making people work for you. Each dollar saved and invested begins to work to create more dollars. You don’t need to invent the next Exxon Mobile. You can simply buy shares in their company and enjoy steady dividends, that can be reinvested and compounded over time.
I feel your advice is sound if you are fortunate enough to ever have disposable income. Considering most of the contributors here live from one paycheck to the next, it should be obvious that your contribution will be of no use to them.
They are working hard, very hard and they have no choice but to be frugal because they do not earn enough to do otherwise, so there is little chance for them to “save” their money because they do not earn enough to live on in the first place. The only people who are earning eight dollars per hour that could save any money, would be school children who live at home so have no overhead.
Joe N posted here this exact scenario. He started with a paper route at age eleven and invested all of his earnings in real estate. How would his parents have done that, even though they were making much more money than he was, with all of the overhead of raising him, his siblings and paying for a domicile with all the costs related to that? Simply not possible without disposable income like he had.
I am 37. I’ve been a truck driver, owner operator, auto shop owner, etc.
I am at a place in my life where I need a career change.
I have worked 70-100 hours a week for the last 15years. Yes it has feed my family and supplied us with what we need but I want to be successful! Bottom line, I want to make a million dollars in 1 year. I don’t care what type of career change it is. I am very witty and sharp minded but I feel there is no chance of prosperity in the place I’m from.
How can I make a million dollars legally in 1 year from no money?
Your question is kind of rediculous. We all have to have money so obviously you have some if youare serious. I can outline you with a plan but you have to follow through and it might take longer than one year. Don’t set goals that high, one million from nothing in one year. If that is your goal you will have to break it down into smaller more attainable goals and of course start making money.
Thats majority of peoples problems is their mindset, there obstacles stop them or stump them. In life naturally we have obstacles. Telling yourself theres a road block isnt gonna help you go around it. Thinking of a solution around it will tho! Everyones situation is different. Your journey to your million dollars will rely on your creativeness in finding solutions to go around your obstacles. Approaching a situation with that mind set and using the resources available to you will help you on your path and if you are unsure/dont know or simply just curious….then ask and never be ashamed of asking any question even if you think its dumb. you will be just alittle smarter once u did. Like the saying goes. “ask and you shall receive”. I hope that might help someone :).
Reading the above posted comments, I started at age 11, with a paper route, Built that up, put every penny in real estate. My parents both worked 2 to 3 jobs 7 days a week. Watching my mom work in a restaurant washing dishes in Bradenton Fl, while us kids stayed out in a hot car, made me think there was a better way to survive. I went to college the hard way, built several homes and bought the same restaurant my mom once slaved at. I had it burned down. I have always contributed to less fortunate people, and several worthy organizations. I made my first million at age 30, the rest was easy. Used honest ethical common sense, and the payoff, isn’t the money, but the integrity of making a difference. Staying focused, showing generosity comes back in great awards.
Dear want to Be’s
in 1978, I set out to make 1,000,000, within a few years I had over 10,000,000 in assets and over 1m cash by 1986. I was to learn that making the money was the easy part, holding on to it was not. It all went out the window.
After years if living below my standards, I have once again set out to make another million dollars, this time around I have learned how to hold on to it. The person must keep growing and become bigger than the fortune.
Mary L.
January 7, 2017 at 5:00 pm.
I just want to know how to make it when you don’t have any money, no home, no assets, it’s like I cannot find a job, where I can make a living on it’s sad when you don’t have enough to pay bills, I’m a hard worker and I’m looking for any thing free, I just want to make it so I can support my self, with out feeling like a failure in life. Thank you all for sharing your stories on how you have made it in life.
Mary L.
I know everything said here is true and it motives alot but I need help. I just need something to do for me to make something out of it.
I just want to know how to make it when you don’t have any money, no home, no assets, it’s like I cannot find a job, where I can make a living on it’s sad when you don’t have enough to pay bills, I’m a hard worker and I’m looking for any thing free, I just want to make it so I can support my self, with out feeling like a failure in life. Thank you all for sharing your stories on how you have made it in life.